Quiz Corrections: Q6: The question below uses a robot in a grid of squares. The robot is represented as a triangle, which is initially in the bottom left square of the grid and facing right.

The figure presents a robot in a grid of squares with 5 rows and 4 columns. The robot is represented by a triangle which is initially in the lower left square of the grid, facing right. The grid contains a gray square in the first row and third column of the grid. The following programs are each intended to move the robot to the gray square. Program II uses the procedure GoalReached, which returns true if the robot is in the gray square and returns false otherwise.

Selected Answer: A (Program I correctly moves the robot to the gray square, but program II does not.)

Correct Answer: C (Both program I and program II correctly move the robot to the gray square.)

This is because if you carefully follow the steps program 2 actually works, this was just a silly mistake.

Q:13 A library system contains information for each book that was borrowed. Each time a person borrows or returns a book from the library, the following information is recorded in a database.

Name and the unique ID number of the person who was borrowing the book Author, title, and the unique ID number of the book that was borrowed Date that the book was borrowed Date that the book was due to be returned Date that the book was returned (or 0 if the book has not been returned yet) Which of the following CANNOT be determined from the information collected by the system?

Selected Answer: D(The total number of people who borrowed at least one book in a given year)

Correct Answer: B (The total number of books that were never borrowed in a given year)

Accidently selected the wrong answer, this one was pretty straight forward.

Q:24 Consider the following program.

The figure presents four blocks of code that consist of 6 lines. Which of the following describes the result of executing the program?

Selected Answer: D(The program displays the sum of the odd integers from 1 to 19.)

Correct Answer: B(The program displays the sum of the even integers from 2 to 20.)

Conceptual Misunderstanding


Which of the following statements correctly explain how the Internet is able to facilitate communication at a large scale?

A central monitoring computer is used to track and maintain the connections of the Internet. Data is routed between points in multiple ways so that if a connection fails, the data can be rerouted around the inoperative connections. Protocols for packets and routing are used so that computers from different manufacturers can communicate in a standard way.

Selected Answer: D(I, II, and III)

Correct Answer: B(II and III only)

Conceptual Misunderstanding

Q:26 A list of binary values (0 or 1) is used to represent a black-and-white image. Which of the following is LEAST likely to be stored as metadata associated with the image?

Selected Answer: A(Copyright information for the image)

Correct Answer: D(A duplicate copy of the data)

Rushed Question

Q:63 The following procedure is intended to return the value of x times y, where x and y are integers. Multiplication is implemented using repeated additions.

he figure presents a block of code that consists of 7 lines. Throughout the block of code there are nested blocks of code. [Begin Block] Line 1: PROCEDURE Multiply [begin block] x, y [end block] [Begin Block] Line 2: [begin block] count ← 0 [end block] Line 3: [begin block] result ← 0 [end block] [Begin Block] Line 4: REPEAT UNTIL [begin block] count ≥ y [end block] [Begin Block] Line 5: [begin block] result ← result + x [end block] Line 6: [begin block] count ← count + 1 [end block] [End Block] [End Block] Line 7: [begin block] RETURN [begin block] result [end block] [end block] [End Block] [End Block] For which of the following procedure calls does the procedure NOT return the intended value?T

Select two answers.

Selected Answer: D

Correct Answers: B,D

Consider all answers as possible even after finding a correct one